Monday, June 4, 2012

Venus in Transit

I often say I am vicariously smart. This tidbit below falls in the category of things I know because people around me are smarter than I am. I owe this one to my uncle. Hope you enjoy :) 

Tomorrow afternoon (Tue 5 June) Venus goes across ("transits") the disk of the sun for six hours from 4:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (after sunset) Utah time (MDT), being maximum (closest to center of sun) at 7:30 p.m.  It won't happen again for over a century, so you ought to take a look.  Sunglasses, pinhole camera, or the like might be a good idea. (It's not as dangerous to the eye as everyone says, but it's tough to see directly!) It will just be a little black spot going across the sun, but it's really rare. It is visible all across the continental U.S., and actually best for those of you in Hawaii, being more at mid-day.

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