Friday, October 29, 2010


Okay, for all of you who voted, we still need 6 more votes to declare an actual winner, but it looks like "The Cannon Curse" will to cruise to victory.

For those of you who know what the NaNoWriMo is, this book will be completed as part of the 2010 National Novel Writing Month--which means I hereby PLEDGE that this book will be done as of November 30th.

So I got one last weekend (end technically 6 more votes to garner), then it's OFF to the races on Monday!

Thanks for voting and making this fun :)


  1. Yay! I'm so glad Cannon's Curse won! By a landslide, too by the looks of it! Happy NaNo Shera!

  2. NO!! I wanted Polyga-Date to win... :( Oh well, can't wait to read it when you're finished. Good Luck!

  3. Hi! I hopped over from Ali's blog. How could I not after she gave you such high praise?! :-)

  4. Woohoo! Welcome, Shannon! Were you my 100th vote? It's all official now and I can start NaNo (although the winner was pretty obvious ;)

    Ali- Thanks for the praise. Are you nano-ing this year?

    And LAR'N- Shhh, but I voted for Polygadate, too. Just sayin' chances are that book may appear at a later date :)
